Press releases must be formatted properly.   One page of 400 to 500 words with the correct style and tone is proper, making it easier to read and research.    An effective press release needs to have compelling HEADLINES with keywords that are well chosen.   Remember -  writing is about communications !      Your message needs to be clear and easy to read and should be written in AP (Associated Press) style so that addresses, numbers and datelines are consistent.   

When telling a story, the way in which you tell it matters.   It's important to convey your message in a way that excites your readers.  We will use the appropriate tone to engage and connect with your audience:

                   *  Conversational - A conversational tone is casual and gives the

                          writing more personality.  Your story should still be newsworthy

                          and factual.

                    *   Journalistic   -    This tone will give your press release an

                          authoritative feel.  It's formal,  and straight to the point.

                          This style eliminates the need for flowery prose.

People engage with companies they have a connection with.  Providing relevant information along with your release helps give your story more context, so, include key dates notable people involved and relevant statistics.  The easier your release is to read and research, the more likely it is to get picked up by media.

We at Lockhart Communications work closely with our clients so as to understand the objectives of the organization, capturing the culture of the organization,  so press release are professionally composed and build significant brand awareness.

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